• Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
  1. Mahimkar, S., & Gokhale, V. A.  (2018). Addressing Gender Gap in Playgrounds: An Exploratory Study. AJANTA: An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal, VII (I), 100-106. (ISSN: 2277-5730)
  2. Mahimkar S., Gupte K. & Bhosale A. (2017). Indoor Comfort in Dwellings: An Exploratory Study of Diverse Design Approaches. International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research. 3(12), 208-216 (ISSN: 2455-1457) http://www.ijrter.com/?s=indoor+comfort 
  3. Mahimkar, S., & Nalawade, N. (2016). Addressing the Challenges of Futuristic Shopping Malls and Sustainability. Business Sciences International Research Journal , 4, 24-28. (ISSN: 2321-3191)
  4. Mahimkar, S., Nagarkar, S., & Paranjape, A. (2016). Leisure Experiences in Shopping Environment: Gender and Spatial Equity. Social Sciences International Research Journal , 2 (1), 1-6. (ISSN: 2395-0544)
  5. Mahimkar, S., & Gokhale, V. A. (2015). Inclusive Cities: Towards Gender Sensitve Urban India. Tekton: A Journal of Architecture, Urban Design and Planning, 2 (1), 26-36. http://tekton.mes.ac.in/issues/volume-2-issue-1/papers-essays/inclusive-cities-towards-gender-sensitive-urban-india/ . (ISSN: 2349-6282)
  6. Nandagirikar, S., & Mahimkar, S. (2014). Cultural Image of Original Settlements and Impact of Urban Change – A Case Study of Worli Koliwada, Mumbai. Spandrel (8), 58-67. (ISSN-2331-4601)
  7. Mahimkar, S., & Dr. Gokhale, V. A. (2013). Re-conceptualizing Architectural Design Education with reference to Gender Sensitive Built Environment. ABACUS , 8 (2), 41-47. (ISSN: 0973-8339)
  8. Mahimkar, S., & Gokhale, V. A. (2013). Gender Sensitive Urban Landscapes: History of Changing Ideals and Current Practices. Spandrel (7), 76-84 http://spandrel.spabhopal.ac.in/article-9.pdf  (ISSN – 2231 – 4601)
  • Ph.D Thesis

Mahimkar S. (2016). Gender Appropriate Outdoor Public Leisure Spaces: Case of Mumbai. Savitribai Phule Pune University https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/118379